General stream settings

Edit the audio and video sources, determine their processing, add metadata, and define the desired license.

1 General

The sources menu section shows the active video and audio settings per channel.

Use the wizard for quick and easy setup, or edit sources directly in custom mode.

Video settings

2 Launching the video wizard

πŸ§™Start the video source wizard.

3 Video settings

Adjust the active video settings

Audio settings

4 Launch audio wizard

πŸ§™Starts the wizard for the audio sources

5 Audio settings

Customize the active audio settings.


6 Abort

Unsaved settings are lost by canceling.

7 Delete video sources

The active video source is completely removed from the system.

8 Save

Do not forget to save settings.

9 Close

Closes the active window without saving.

Learn more

WizardHow do I operate the wizard?User Guides

Last updated