Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open-source video transport protocol that utilises the UDP transport protocol.

1 SRT settings

Fig. 1: The menu for the SRT settings

Docker port mapping must be extended for this as well. The unique thing is UDP, which you build into the command as follows: -p 6000:6000/udp.

By default Docker always uses TCP for the ports. So if you forget /udp, you will not be able to reach the SRT.

2 SRT server

The βœ… checkmark activates the SRT server.

3 Port

Port settings for the SRT server.

The default value for the listening address is port: 6000

4 Token

SRT token for publishing and playback. It is a protection against unwanted inputs/outputs. The token is the value of the URL query parameter 'token'. This setting is optional.

5 Passphrase

This setting encrypts the stream and is optional.

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