How can I use HTTPS with Let's Encrypt?

Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority that offers free X.509 certificates for Transport Layer Security. These HTTPS certificates work with the datarhei Restreamer.

YouTube Video: Quick Start Guide Activate HTTPS with Let's Encrypt for Free

Encrypt your live streams with HTTPS and avoid security gaps and errors caused by mixed content.


  • You can use any dynamic DNS service like myfritz, no-ip, dyndns or other services.

  • Do not forget to forward the public port for HTTPS: 443 to your internal Restreamer IP default port: 8181.

  • Don't forget to forward the public port for HTTP: 80 to your internal Restreamer IP default port: 8080

  • The HTTPS certificate is renewed automatically.

  • No registration with Let's Encrypt is required

What is Let's Encrypt?

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