Publication services

The publication service helps you send video output to a remote station. It is a virtual broadcast to deliver a live video to many or single destinations.

Specify in the Publication services where the stream should be pulled over.

HLS (memfs) & HLS (diskfs)

Default In this case we use the HLS stream of the channel and push it to the desired destination. Latency: What the user has set (min. 10-30 sec.)


Take the stream from the RTMP server if the channel is enabled as shown in "2. Channel Edit > Processing & Control". Latency: 1-2 sec.


As for RTMP. Latency: <1 sec.

An active user account on the external video streaming service is a prerequisite for using Publication Services.

Instructions for the settings of the target services can be found on the target platform. Keywords for research are: "External RTMP" or " External HLS".

What is a Publication Service?

Fig. 1: The + symbol opens the area with the various Publication Services.

There are many Publication Services. Any number of new services can be created for different platforms. The procedure for using publication services is always very similar. The datarhei Restreamer is connected to the external service via a streaming key. Then the video stream is started on the service, in this example, YouTube.

Fig. 2: Example of how to use the Publication Service with YouTube.
Fig. 3: Detailed settings of the Publication Service for YouTube
Fig. 4: Active Publication Service to YouTube on the main screen

Video tutorial


If a platform for distributing your content is missing, don't hesitate to contact us. We will add the publication service immediately. Just submit a pull request via GitHub or write an email to

Social Media

  • YouTube

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Twitch

  • Vime

  • Instagram

  • TikTok

  • Amazon

  • LinkedIn

  • Telegram

  • dlive

  • Trovo

  • PeerTube


  • β€” The #1 webcam platform for webcams in Germany

  • β€” Multi-Channel Platform


  • BrightcoveΒ β€”Β OTT

  • Akamai - CDN

  • DaCast - OTT

  • CDN77 - CDN

  • Azure Media Services - CDN

  • Media Network



  • Image2

  • RTSP

  • RTMP

  • HLS

  • DASH

  • SRT

  • UDP


  • Framebuffer


If connection problems occur, error diagnostics can be performed via the error logs of the process details and the process report.

Process detailsProcess reportLogging

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Last updated