
Install and run datarhei Restreamer on Mac with Intel or Silicon chip in an Docker container.

After installation, control the restreamer in any browser using the IP and port of the device with the path /ui.


  • A current Linux distribution such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, RedHat, or Suse Linux.


Step 1: Install Docker

Download, install and run Docker Desktop. Follow the installation instructions. If you are already using Docker, skip this step.


Step 2: Start the Restreamer

Without hardware support

docker run --detach --name core --privileged --volume /opt/core/config:/core/config --volume /opt/core/data:/core/data --publish 8080:8080 --publish 8181:8181 --publish 1935:1935 --publish 1936:1936 --publish 6000:6000/udp datarhei/restreamer:latest

Start with hardware support for Nvidia CUDA

docker run --detach --name core --privileged --volume /opt/core/config:/core/config --volume /opt/core/data:/core/data --publish 8080:8080 --publish 8181:8181 --publish 1935:1935 --publish 1936:1936 --publish 6000:6000/udp datarhei/restreamer:cuda-latest

Start with hardware support for Intel VAAPI

docker run --detach --name core --privileged --volume /opt/core/config:/core/config --volume /opt/core/data:/core/data --publish 8080:8080 --publish 8181:8181 --publish 1935:1935 --publish 1936:1936 --publish 6000:6000/udp datarhei/restreamer:vaapi-latest

For security reasons, start the Restreamer only with --privileged if you need hardware support.

Step 3: Open the Restreamer

Open a browser and enter the device's IP address with the Restreamer installed. In the example: http://device-ip:8080/ui

Step 4. First login

When you log in for the first time in your Restreamer, you have to enter your credentials.


Important: The Environments

Environments are global settings for the Restreamer. We recommend considering some environments at the startup.

Description of the most important commands for the use of environments

-d Deletes the container. This means that the container is executed in the background. You can run it interactively in the foreground with -it instead of -d. To stop the restreamer in detached mode, type docker stop restreamer. In interactive mode, simply press Ctrl-C to stop the restreamer.

--name restreamer Set the container the name restreamer. This name can be used in other Docker commands to control the container. For example, to stop the Restreamer, type docker stop restreamer. While the Restreamer is running, you can log into the container with docker exec -it restreamer /bin/bash.

--restart=always If the Restreamer crashes or the device reboots, Docker restarts the Restreamer automatically.

--publish 8080:8080 Binds the computer's port 8080 to the Restreamer's port 8080. It allows you to connect to the Restreamer GUI over HTTP with your browser. If you want to use a different port, change it to -p 31000:8080, for example.

--publish 8081:8181 Binds the computer's port 8181 to the Restreamer's port 8181. It allows you to connect to the Restreamer GUI over HTTPS with your browser. If you want to use a different port, change it to -p 31000:8181, for example.

--publish 1935:1935 Binds port 1935 of the computer to port 1935 of the Restreamer. It allows you to receive streams from the RTMP server or send streams to the RTMP server. If you want to use a different port, change it to -p 31000:1935, for example.

--publish 1936:1936 Binds port 1936 of the computer to port 1936 of the Restreamer. It allows you to receive streams from the RTMPS server or send streams to the RTMPS server. If you want to use a different port, change it to -p 31000:1936, for example.

--publish 6000/udp Binds port 6000/udp of the restreamer. It allows you to receive streams from the SRT server or send streams to the SRT server. If you want to use a different port, change it to -p 31000:6000/udp, for example.

--volume ${HOME}/restreamer/config:/core/config The Restreamer stores the current state in the /core/config directory inside the container. This command maps the ${HOME}/restreamer/config directory of your computer into the container. This can be used to preserve the state if the restreamer needs to be restarted. If you want to store the state in a different directory on your device, change it to, e.g. -v /tmp/restreamer/config:/core/config

--volume ${HOME}/restreamer/data:/core/data The Restreamer stores the internal file system persistently in this directory.

datarhei/restreamer:latest It is the Docker image of the latest datarhei Restreamer on Docker Hub. Docker checks if the image is available locally and downloads it if it is not or if a newer image is available.

List with all available environment variables

External URL: All Environment variables on GitHub.

Learn more

How do I install Docker?How does port forwarding work for the Restreamer?How can I use HTTPS with Let's Encrypt?What are environment variables?Environment VariablesKnowledge BaseDeveloperPremium Support

Last updated