Settings for accessing the available storage types. The storages are accessible via HTTP, mounted to different paths.
mimetypes_file (string)
Path to a file with the mime-type definitions. This is a file with the MIME types has one MIME type per line followed by a list of file extensions (including the "."). Files served from the storages will have the matching mime-type associated to it.
Relative paths are interpreted relative to where the datarhei Core binary is executed.
Default: ./mime.types (array)
Define a list of allowed CORS origin for accessing the storages.
By default it contains the only element *
, allowing access from anywhere.
The disk storage is mounted at /
via the HTTP server.
The memory storage is mounted at /memfs
via the HTTP server.
The S3 storage is mounted at the configured path via the HTTP server.
S3S3 storage is available as of version 16.12.0
Last updated